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Seems that I didn't have much time to write anything new here during the last few months.
Although there are certainly enough issues that would ultimately deserve a lot of attention.

Note: A system based on exponential growth, like capitalism, must be doomed pretty soon
when restricted to a single finite planet.

How can you lie in the name of truth?
How can you defend freedom by locking away critics?
How can you defend democracy by advocating vigilante justice?
It's like teaching a child to think for itself by giving a step-by-step instruction.


Let us pause for a moment, in remembrance of the victims of terrorism. The victims of El Kaida in
New York and Washington, the victims of Palestinian terror in Israel, the victims of Israeli terror in
Palestine (and most other countries in the region), the Turkish victims of racist terror in Germany,
the Afro-American victims of racist terror in the USA, the Algerian victims of racist terror in France,
the Kurdish victims of Turkish and Iraqi terror, the English and Irish victims of religious terror in
Northern Ireland, the Spanish victims of Basque terror, ...

Should some space aliens land in front of my house and ask me what the hell is happening on this
planet, I would be honestly ashamed for the human race. What would you answer when asked about
the slaughter, betrayal, and military conflicts that dominate most of known history?


Another school massacre, this time by a German boy. A "Counter-Strike" player. And again the
obligatory discussion about the relationship between virtual and real-world violence. Some experts
say that first person shooters provoke and lead to violent behaviour. Others say that there is no
causal connection. What about the individual? I would think that computer games, like many other
achievements of modern technology, are nothing more than amplifiers of existing tendencies. In this
light a ban on violent games would be nothing more than chewing around at the symptoms without
considering the true social causes of extreme aggressiveness.


Ok. Other subject. Spring has arrived!


So we've got an international court that can convict war criminals. How about an international
atrocious-violence-arena? A meeting place for fundamentalist hot-heads to kill themselves, and
each other, while leaving the rest of the people to raise their kids, and live and work in PEACE!


George W. Bush should realise, that throwing Iran in with "all the terrorists" is highly inappropriate.
With the election of Mohammed Chatami, the Iranian people have chosen liberalisation and peace.
"Make no mistake", war mongering is evil, whether you are christian, muslim or what the heck else!


Strange, the words "medication" and "meditation" are nearly the same...



Cold white flakes falling from the heavens, soothing our self inflicted pain.

Clothing the landscape in a fairy-tale veil of soft-yet-bright white.

Season's Greetings!


The Cynical State of the World

  • Democracy vs. Paranoia
    Paranoia seems to have a slight edge (in Germany).
  • Democracy vs. Capitalism
    The contenders are still rather friendly together...
  • Capitalism vs. Ecology
    I weep for the sufferings of our future generations!


  • Don't take this web site too seriously.
  • Don't give up - make a difference! Everyone!


Reading a newspaper can be an amazing experience. You read about bombs,
starvation, killings and so forth, and next you see a full page ad for some luxury
article that is so great as to make you the envy of your neighbours. Really
amazing what different perspectives there are to life, and how they co-exist.


Violence and hatred will never be a solution.


The only part of this website that is currently growing is the pictures section.


My candidate for the most misused and hollowed out phrase is "industry leading".


Boycott Microsoft.


"Never attribute to malice that which can be sufficiently explained by incompetence!"

<flame> Why are more and more websites so braindamaged that they do not work without
Java-Script or do not work with any web browser? Why is it not realized that it
is possible to write totally generic html? All this "optimized for foo" and "generated by bar"
seems to be no more than a lame excuse for bloated, broken html code. </flame>


"Perhaps using test kernels with reiserfs on our new server was a bit too cutting edge..."

(And I hope that the loopback issues in Linux 2.4.x are sorted out soon!)


My Erdös number is at most 3.
Path: Erdös - Shelah - Gurevich - Hirsch.


Final reorganization of the directory structure.
Added this file without exactly knowing why ;-)


The domains colin-hirsch.net and cohi.at are online.
Continuous additions to the site over the next months.


First idea for a new site design including the main logo.

Copyright © 2002 by Colin Hirsch