


What is it?

Linux is a Un*x like operating system. I use it for its stability, flexibility, performance, networking and ease of use.

Update: I have now switched to Apple. It seems that Mac OS X is exactly what Linux wants to be - a fast and stable Unix core for the power user and a nice GUI that actually works. Nearly all software that I used under Linux works on the Apple too, including XFree, XEmacs, Gimp, SSH, GCC, you name it. The only thing that I miss is the IPTables/NetFilter firewall from Linux that seems far superior to what Darwin's BSD heritage can offer.

Shell vs. GUI

Some people believe that a shell is less userfriendly than a gui. So how do I tell a a gui the following?

for i in `zcat /var/log/apache/*.gz | cut -d " " -f 1 | uniq | sort | uniq`; do nslookup $i | grep Name; done



My "favourite" Internet daemon, if one can speak of such a thing, is qmail, a mail transfer agent. Version 1.03 has been available since June 1998 without update or replacement. No security hole has been found since then, which is quite amazing considering the frequency of security issues concerning, well, all other software! qmail is also one of the fastest mta's available and rather straightforward to configure. Visit CR.YP.TO for qmail, djbdns (a secure BIND replacement) and other software by the same author.


For simply serving web pages, I find thttpd to be a good choice. Compared to Apache (which is the only one that really counts) it is much smaller, faster and easier to configure. In fact it does not even require a configuration file! On the downside, it does not sport Apache's large set of powerful extensions like php or https support. Thus thttpd is no real rival to Apache in many cases, but very well suited for small machines or to serve mostly static pages (although cgi is supported). Visit the thttpd homepage.


The "www offline explorer" is a very useful http and ftp proxy server optimized for use with dial-up internet connections. Wwwoffle has an online mode, in which it behaves like any other proxy cache, and an offline mode, which allows access to cached pages as well as automatic recording of uncached URLs ready to fetch them when online again. It is also possible to browse all cached pages and selectively delete items. Visit the wwwoffle homepage.

More Info

If you are interested in Un*x and want to try a free version, visit www.linux.org, www.darwin.org, www.freebsd.org, www.netbsd.org or www.openbsd.org.

Colin Hirsch / December 2002