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Site Information



"Alternative Realities" is the private homepage of me, Colin Hirsch.

The name was chosen for its combination of sounding cool and being descriptive for some of the content.

Link Information

My "private" homepage.
(this site; permanent address)

My "master" homepage.
(contains links to job related pages etc.)

To reach me via e-mail.

Some of my favourite links.

Legal Information

This site contains verbalized aspects of my thoughts, ideas, experiences and opinions.

This site may contain hyperlinks to other internet sites. I am in no way liable for the content and/or other material available on linked sites.

The web design, and all images and textual content of the sites www.cohi.at and www.colin-hirsch.net are under copyright.

All company names, logos and products displayed on this website may be reserved and/or copyrighted by their respective trademark and/or copyright owner.

Site Information

These web pages were made with The Gimp and XEmacs.

This site is optimized for high colour and high spatial resolution graphic displays.
Unlike my other sites it is not optimized for text-mode browsers.
No frames, style-sheets, non-standard fonts or active contents are used.

Copyright © 2001 by Colin Hirsch